Privacy Policy
Recognizing the importance of customers' personal information, the ICHIYON PLUS Online Store ("Store" hereinafter) strives to handle such information appropriately and protect it in accordance with the following Privacy Policy ("Privacy Policy" hereinafter) and compliance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information ("Act" hereinafter).
1. Definition of personal information
As used in this Privacy Policy, "personal information" refers to personal information as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Act—that is, information concerning living individuals that can be used to identify specific individuals based on the names, dates of birth, other descriptions, etc. contained therein (including information that could easily be checked against other information to identify a specific individual), or information that contains individually identifying numbers.
2. Purposes of use of personal information
The Store uses customers' personal information for the following purposes.
- To provide Store services
- To respond to requests for information on Store services, inquiries, etc.
- To provide information on Store products, services, etc.
- To respond to acts in violation of the Store Terms of Use, policies, etc. ("Terms etc." hereinafter) related to Store services
- To provide notice of matters such as changes to the Terms etc. related to Store services
- For use in improving Store services, developing new services, etc.
- To prepare statistical data concerning Store services, in forms that cannot be used to identify individuals
- For other purposes incidental to the above purposes of use
3. Changes to the purposes of use of personal information
The Store may change the purposes of use of personal information within what reasonably can be considered the extent of related purposes. When making such a change, it will notify or announce it to customers.
4. Restrictions on use of personal information
Except as permitted under the Act and other laws and regulations, the Store will not use personal information beyond the extent necessary to achieve the purposes of use without the customers' consent. However, this does not apply in the following cases.
- 1. Cases based on laws and regulations
- 2. When necessary to protect human life, health or safety, or property, and it would be difficult to obtain customers' consent
- 3. When particularly necessary for purposes of improving the public health or promoting the sound raising of children, and it would be difficult to obtain customers' consent
- 4. When it is necessary to cooperate in the performance by national government agencies, local government agencies, or parties acting on their behalf of activities stipulated in laws of regulations, and obtaining customers' consent could hinder the performance of such activities
5. Properly obtaining personal information
The Store will collect personal information properly without use of dishonesty or other inappropriate means.
6. Security management of personal information
The Store will employ necessary and appropriate supervision of Store employees to manage the security of personal information against risks such as those of loss, damage, unauthorized alteration, or leakage. In addition, when subcontracting handling of personal information, in whole or in part, the Store will employ necessary and appropriate supervision of subcontractors to ensure that they manage the security of personal information.
7. Provision to third parties
The Store will not provide personal information to third parties without customers' prior consent, except when such disclosure is permitted under the Act or other laws or regulations. However, the following cases do not quality as provision to third parties as described above.
- When the Store provides personal information in connection with the subcontracting handling of personal information, in whole or in part, within the extent necessary to achieve the purposes of use
- When providing personal information in connection with business succession due to a merger or other reasons
- In cases of joint use pursuant to the provisions of the Act
8. Disclosure of personal information
The Store will respond without delay to any request from a customer to disclose personal information (including providing notice of the fact that no such personal information is held, if applicable) pursuant to the provisions of the Act, after first verifying that the request was in fact made by the customer concerned. However, this does not apply to cases in which the Store is not obligated to disclose information under the Act or other laws or regulations.
9. Corrections etc. to personal information
The Store will investigate without delay, within the extent necessary to achieve the purposes of use, in response to any request from a customer for correction, addition, or deletion ("corrections etc." hereinafter) of the content of personal information that is incorrect, pursuant to the provisions of the Act, after first verifying that the request was in fact made by the customer concerned. It will make corrections etc. to the content of the personal information as necessary based on the results of such investigation and notify the customers thereof. (It also will notify the customers if it decides not to make any corrections etc. in such a case.)
However, this does not apply to cases in which the Store is not obligated to make any corrections etc. under the Act or other laws or regulations.
10. Suspension of use etc. of personal information
If a customer has demanded suspension or use or deletion of his or her personal information, pursuant to the Act, for reasons such as its use beyond the extent of the purposes of use o its having been obtained through dishonesty or other inappropriate means ("suspension of use etc." hereinafter), if the Store determined that such demand is grounded it will carry out suspension of use etc. of such personal information without delay, after first verifying that the request was in fact made by the customer concerned, and notify the customer thereof.
However, this does not apply to cases in which the Store is not obligated to carry out suspension of use etc. under the Act or other laws or regulations.
11. Use of cookies and other technologies
Store services may use cookies and similar technologies. Such technologies help the Store to improve its services by aiding in ascertaining information such as the state of use of Store services.
Users who wish to disable cookies may do so by changing their Web browser settings. However, some of the functions of the Store services may not be usable if cookies are disabled.
12. Inquiries
Please address any requests for disclosure etc., opinions, questions, complaints , or other inquiries concerning the handling of personal information to the contact point indicated under the Store's "Disclosure Pursuant to the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions" or submit them using the "Contact Us" form on Store webpages.
13. Continual improvement
The Store will review the state of its handling of personal information as appropriate and strive to improve it continually, and it may amend this Privacy Policy as necessary.